I regret to inform you that on May 30, my father died at the hospital, Robert Nicolaescu died of coronavirus infection. There, while he was being treated for epilepsy, he was left to suffer by the nurses, always complaining that he didn't care and didn't help them at all, but he helped the other patients as if it were his job, heroically. After a week spent there, exactly on the day he had to be discharged, he was tested positive for this virus and will be in quarantine for a week with other patients. The last week, the 3rd, he spent it intubated, sedated. He died without pain, alone. Too bad the only thing that could save him from the daily torments was death itself. Farewell to all who frequented this blog, his life shall not be in vain. Consider this: every little thing that he made required a lot of effort for him, his drawings are a testament to the fact that if you want to do something , as long as you want with all your heart, absolutely nothing will hold you back.
Cu regret va anunt ca in data de 30 mai, tatal meu a murit in spital, Robert Nicolaescu a decedat din pricina infectarii cu coronavirus. La spital, cat timp era tratat pentru epilepsie, a fost lasat sa sufere de catre asistente, mereu plangandu-se ca nu le pasa si nu ii ajuta deloc insa el, a ajutat pe ceilalti pacienti de parca era treaba lui, eroic chiar. Dupa o saptamana petrecuta acolo, fix in ziua in care trebuia sa fie externat, a fost testat pozitiv pentru acest virus urmand ca o saptamana sa stea in carantina alaturi de alti pacienti iar ultima saptamana, a 3-a, a petrecut-o intubat, sedat. A murit fara durere, singur. Pacat ca singurul lucru care l-a putut scapa de chinurile zilnice a fost chiar moartea insasi. Adio tuturor celor care frecventau acest blog, fie ca viata lui sa nu fie in van, sa luati in connsiderare ca orice lucru mic care-l facea necesita un mare efort pentru el, desenele sale sunt o marturie a faptului ca daca vrei sa faci ceva, atata timp cat iti doresti din tot sufletul, absolut nimic nu te va tine inapoi.
I regret to inform you that on May 30, my father died at the hospital, Robert Nicolaescu died of coronavirus infection. There, while he was being treated for epilepsy, he was left to suffer by the nurses, always complaining that he didn't care and didn't help them at all, but he helped the other patients as if it were his job, heroically. After a week spent there, exactly on the day he had to be discharged, he was tested positive for this virus and will be in quarantine for a week with other patients. The last week, the 3rd, he spent it intubated, sedated. He died without pain, alone. Too bad the only thing that could save him from the daily torments was death itself. Farewell to all who frequented this blog, his life shall not be in vain. Consider this: every little thing that he made required a lot of effort for him, his drawings are a testament to the fact that if you want to do something , as long as you want with all your heart, absolutely nothing will hold you back.
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